


MiCAR: Crypto-Asset Service Providers

Abstract:  The regulation of Crypto-assets and related services is becoming standardised across the European Union (EU) through the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 2023/1114 dated 31 May 2023), also known as MiCAR. MiCAR is a comprehensive regulatory framework that governs the issuance, offerings to the public, and admission to trading of Crypto-assets, as well as “Crypto-asset service providers” (“CASPs”), within the EU. As such, MiCAR lays down a comprehensive set of requirements for issuers, offerors and CASPs. Within this framework, a Crypto-asset is “a digital representation of a value or of a right that is able to be transferred and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technology” (“Crypto-asset”). MiCAR defines a CASP as “a legal person or other undertaking whose occupation or business is the provision of one or more crypto-asset services to clients on a professional basis, and that is allowed to provide crypto-asset services with authorisation”. Rules regarding CASPs will apply from 30 December 2024. This Monograph is the sixth of a series dedicated to MiCAR.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini e Selen Ekinci

Data: novembre 2024  –  In Inglese

MiCAR: Utility Token

Abstract:  The regulation of Crypto-assets and related services is becoming standardised across the European Union (EU) through the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 2023/1114 dated 31 May 2023), also known as MiCAR. MiCAR is a comprehensive regulatory framework that governs: the issuance, offerings to the public, admission to trading of Crypto-assets, and services related to Crypto-assets within the EU. As such, MiCAR lays down a comprehensive set of requirements for issuers, offerors, and crypto-asset service providers. Within this framework, a Crypto-asset is “a digital representation of a value or of a right that is able to be transferred and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technology” (“Crypto-asset”). MiCAR divides Crypto-assets into the following subcategories: Asset-Referenced Tokens (“ART”), Electronic Money Tokens or E-Money Tokens (“EMT”), Crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens and e-money tokens. Rules regarding ARTs and EMTs will apply from 30 June 2024.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini e Selen Ekinci

Data: aprile 2024  –  In Inglese

MiCAR: Cryto-Assets

Abstract:  The regulation of Crypto-assets and related services is becoming standardised across the European Union (EU) through the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 2023/1114 dated 31 May 2023), also known as MiCAR. MiCAR is a comprehensive regulatory framework that governs: the issuance, offerings to the public, admission to trading of Crypto-assets, and services related to Crypto-assets within the EU. As such, MiCAR lays down a comprehensive set of requirements for issuers, offerors, and crypto-asset service providers. Within this framework, a Crypto-asset is “a digital representation of a value or of a right that is able to be transferred and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technology” (“Crypto-asset”). MiCAR divides Crypto-assets into the following subcategories: Asset-Referenced Tokens (“ART”), Electronic Money Tokens or E-Money Tokens (“EMT”).

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini e Selen Ekinci

Data: aprile 2024  –  In Inglese

MiCAR: E-Money Tokens

Abstract:  The regulation of crypto-assets and related services is becoming standardised across the European Union (EU) through the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 2023/1114 dated 31 May 2023), also known as MiCAR. MiCAR is a comprehensive regulatory framework that governs the issuance, offerings to the public, and admission to trading of crypto-assets, as well as services related to crypto-assets; within the European Union. As such, MiCAR lays down a comprehensive set of requirements for issuers, offerors and crypto-asset service providers. Within this framework, a crypto-asset is “a digital representation of a value or of a right that is able to be transferred and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technology” (“Crypto-asset”). MiCAR divides Crypto-assets into the following subcategories: Asset-Referenced Tokens (“ART”),  Electronic Money Tokens or E-Money Tokens (“EMT”), Crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens and e-money tokens.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini e Selen Ekinci

Data: marzo 2024  –  In Inglese

MiCAR: Asset-referenced Tokens

Abstract: The regulation of crypto assets and related services is becoming standardised across the European Union (EU) through the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 2023/1114 dated 31 May 2023), also known as MiCAR. MiCAR is a comprehensive regulatory framework that governs: the issuance of crypto-assets, offerings to the public,admission to trading of crypto-assets, and services related to crypto-assets within the European Union. As such, MiCAR lays down a comprehensive set of requirements for issuers and offerors of crypto-assets as well as providers of crypto-asset services. Within this framework, a crypto-asset is “a digital representation of a value or of a right that is able to be transferred and stored electronically using distributed ledger technology or similar technology” (“Crypto-asset”). MiCAR divides Crypto-assets into the following subcategories: Asset-Referenced Tokens (“ART”), Electronic Money Tokens or E-Money Tokens (“EMT”), Crypto-assets other than asset-referenced tokens and e-money tokens.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini e Selen Ekinci

Data: gennaio 2024  –  In Inglese

MiCAR: Marketing Rules for Crypto-assets

Abstract: The regulation of crypto assets and related services is becoming standardised across the
European Union (EU) through the Markets in Crypto-assets Regulation (Regulation (EU) No 2023/1114 dated 31 May 2023), also known as MiCAR.
One of the arrangements regulated within this framework is marketing communications: MiCAR introduces a set of requirements for the drafting, notification, publication, and modification of marketing communications. These rules are designed to protect the interests of potential investors and users in the crypto asset market, emphasising the importance of informed decision-making. It is crucial to ensure transparency and accuracy in marketing communications; which include advertising messages and marketing materials distributed through traditional and digital channels.
This Monograph provides clarity in regards to the regulatory landscape for the different categories of crypto-assets and for crypto-asset service providers as it pertains to marketing communications.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini e Selen Ekinci

Data: novembre 2023  –  In Inglese

Term Sheet: linee guida per Start-up e VC

AbstractLo scopo di queste Linee Guida è fornire indicazioni pratiche su cosa sia e come funzioni un Term Sheet relativo a operazioni di investimento in start-up da parte di Venture Capitalist. Le Linee Guida sono composte da cinque sezioni: ● Sezione1:Concetti Introduttivi; ● Sezione2:Termini Economici; ● Sezione3:Termini di Controllo; ● Sezione4:Altri Termini; ● Sezione5:Suggerimenti per la Negoziazione. Le Linee Guida hanno lo scopo di aiutare le parti coinvolte in una operazione di investimento a negoziare in modo efficace e a evitare malintesi. A tal fine, le Linee Guida delineano gli elementi chiave che possono essere inclusi in un Term Sheet e i termini e le condizioni che possono essere negoziati per garantire la tutela di entrambe le parti e il successo dell’operazione di investimento. Con le Linee Guida, le parti possono innanzitutto comprendere i termini e le condizioni di un Term Sheet e, di conseguenza, negoziare un Term Sheet chiaro e completo che faciliterà il processo di negoziazione del successivo accordo di investimento. Le Linee Guida possono essere un utile strumento per fondatori, imprenditori, investitori e consulenti delle parti.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini, Claudia Borghini e Selen Ekinci

Data: maggio 2023

Play-To-Earn. Videogame business Model: a Legal Analysis

AbstractIn this monography, we will try to map out the key elements that at the current stage characterise such videogames, and the legal risks arising from them, with the clarification that this work is not a legal opinion, it does not claim to give advice to readers, but rather to group together some patterns that in our experience appear to be recurrent and to identify the underlying legal issues.

Autori: Raffaele Battaglini, Luigi Cantisani e Selen Ekinci

Data: maggio 2022


Accompagnamento alla Relazione Benefit

Abstract: Futura in collaborazione con FL20 Studio S.T.P. Benefit ha realizzato un agile documento che raccoglie informazioni e consigli utili alle società benefit per la redazione della Relazione Benefit.

Autore: Emanuela De Sabato, Federica Fugiglando, Larissa Stieven Trizotto, Alice Umbrella

Data: ottobre 2024

La Blockchain e gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile (SDGs)

Abstract: Come implementare al meglio la blockchain in chiave di sostenibilità?
Grazie alle competenze in materia ESG e tech-law, Freebly e Futura hanno realizzato una pubblicazione che riporta alcuni dei casi più virtuosi di utilizzo delle tecnologie blochchain e smartcontracts, declinate per ogni singolo SDG dell’Agenda 2030 dell’ONU.

Autore: Autori Vari

Data: settembre 2023




